EPA Revises the NESHAP for Paint Stripping and Miscellaneous Surface Coating Operations at Area Sources
November 11, 2022
EPA is revising the NESHAP for paint stripping and miscellaneous surface coating operations (40 CFR 63, Subpart HHHHHH) to simplify the petition for exemption process and allow sources to submit a notification to the administrator that they do not spray-apply any coatings that contain the target HAP. EPA is also amending the definition of "target HAP-containing coating" to clarify that compliance with the definition is based on the HAP content of the coating as applied, not on the HAP content of the coating components as purchased from the coating supplier. EPA is also amending the definition of "spray-applied coating operations" to clarify that the allowance to use spray guns outside of a spray booth is based on the volume of the spray gun paint cup liner and not the volume of the paint cup, in those spray guns that use a disposable cup liner and to prohibit repeatedly refilling and reusing a 3.0 fluid ounce cup or cup liner or using multiple 3.0 fluid ounce cup liners to complete a single spray-applied coating operation as a means of avoiding rule applicability. Additionally, EPA is adding electronic reporting provisions; clarifying requirements for addressing emissions during periods of startup, shutdown, and malfunction (SSM); and making clarifying and technical corrections.
Source: EPA
RCRA Update: Latest on Generator Improvements Adoption
November 7, 2022
As of November 7, 2022, thirty-nine (39) states have adopted the RCRA Generator Improvements Rule. The link below shows the states in blue that have adopted (at least) the mandatory changes from EPA’s 2016 Final Rule.
Source: Federal
5 Common HAZMAT Shipping Paper Mistakes (And How to Avoid Them)
November 4, 2022
When you ship hazardous materials, even small mistakes on shipping papers can have big consequences. Inaccurate or incomplete shipping papers may cause a shipment to be rejected, resulting in civil penalties, or hamper emergency response efforts in the event of an incident. Avoiding the 5 common mistakes in this guide will help shippers to ensure that hazardous materials shipping papers are complete and in compliance with applicable regulations.
Source: Lion
Phasedown of Hydrofluorocarbons
November 4, 2022
EPA is proposing to amend its regulation for the Phasedown of Hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) based on lessons learned from the implementation of the regulation thus far and to establish the methodology for allocating HFC production and consumption allowances for 2024 through 2028. The proposed amendments would affect recordkeeping; reporting; advanced notifications of import; labeling containers of regulated substances for sale, distribution, or import; testing to verify the composition of a regulated substance matches its label; would codify the existing approach of how allowances must be expended for import and would establish a new requirement to report emissions from HFC production facilities.
Source: EPA
Registration Opens
November 15, 2022
TCEQ has opened registration for their annual Environmental Trade Fair & Conference, May 16-17, 2023 in Austin, Texas.
Source: TCEQ
Need ISO Help?
Top 10 Most Cited OSHA Violations
November 18, 2022
OSHA’s Ten Most Cited Standards List is one tool employers can use to identify which health & safety hazards may require the most attention in 2023. This guide to OSHA’s “Top 10” goes beyond the list—pointing out specific regulations that employers frequently overlook. Plus, it offers up facts, figures, and sources for more info about the OSHA rules that apply to millions of workplaces in the US.
Source: Lion
Council Gives Final Green Light to Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive
November 28, 2022
The EU Council has given final approval of the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD), the last major step in the overhaul and expansion of corporate sustainability reporting in the EU. The rules will begin applying from the beginning of 2024 for large public-interest companies with over 500 employees, followed by companies with more than 250 employees or €40 million in revenue in 2025, and listed SMEs in 2026.
Source: European Council
European Supervisory Authorities Launch Joint Call for Evidence on Greenwashing
November 15, 2022
The three European Supervisory Authorities (EBA, EIOPA, and ESMA – ESAs) published a Call for Evidence on greenwashing to gather input from stakeholders on how to understand the key features, drivers, and risks associated with greenwashing and to collect examples of potential greenwashing practices.
Source: ESMA
ISO Net Zero Guidelines
November 12, 2022
Launched at COP27, the Net Zero Guidelines tackle a major roadblock for a world where greenhouse gas emissions are reduced to the minimum and balanced by removals: the fragmented net zero governance landscape. Competing approaches and concepts for "Net Zero" sow confusion. The Guidelines provide a common reference for collective efforts, offering a global basis for harmonizing, understanding, and planning for net zero for actors at the state, regional, city, and organizational levels.
Source: ISO
President Biden Announces New Initiatives at COP27 to Strengthen U.S. Leadership in Tackling Climate Change
November 11, 2022
At the 27th U.N. Climate Conference (COP27), President Biden announced new initiatives to strengthen U.S. leadership tackling the climate crisis and galvanize global action and commitments. President Biden demonstrated that the United States is following through on its existing commitments and initiatives while also accelerating new and expanded domestic and global efforts. As President Biden said at last year’s COP in Glasgow, this is a decisive decade – and the United States is acting to lead a clean energy future that leverages market forces, technological innovation, and investments to tackle the climate crisis. The initiatives the President announced also reflect the global imperative to support vulnerable developing country partners in building resilience to a changing climate, helping them cope with a problem they did not create.
Source: U.S. Embassy In Egypt
Federal Supplier Climate Risks and Resilience Rule
November 10, 2022
The Biden Administration is proposing the Federal Supplier Climate Risks and Resilience Rule, which would require major Federal contractors to publicly disclose their greenhouse gas emissions and climate-related financial risks and set science-based emissions reduction targets.
Source: The White House
CDP to Incorporate ISSB Climate-Related Disclosure Standard into Global Environmental Disclosure Platform
November 8, 2022
CDP, the non-profit which runs the global environmental disclosure platform for corporations, and the IFRS Foundation have announced that CDP will incorporate the International Sustainability Standard Board’s (ISSB) IFRS S2 Climate-related Disclosures Standard [IFRS S2] into its global environmental disclosure platform, in a major step towards delivering a comprehensive global baseline for capital markets through the adoption of ISSB standards.
Source: CDP